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7th Cross-strait Interpreting Contest (2018)
City University of Hong Kong Interpreting Contest

Award Presentation Ceremony


On 25th November 2017, The City University Interpreting Contest of the Third Hong Kong Regional Final, Seventh Cross-strait Interpreting Contest was held. The three first prize winners will represent CityU to compete in the Third Hong Kong Regional Final on 10 March 2018.

The award presentation ceremony of City University Interpreting Contest was held on 9 February 2018 at Y5-203, Yeung Kin Man Academic Building. The ceremony was hosted by seven participants* from International Chinese Language Salon. Head of Department of Linguistics and Translation, Professor LIU Meichun presented the awards to the winners. Members of the Organizing Committee of the 7th Cross-Strait Interpreting Contest attending the ceremony included Dr. Yan Xiu, Chair of the Organizing Committee; Dr. Sheung Shing Yue, member of the Organizing Committee; Dr. Wu Hui and Miss Hu Zhinan, Secretariats of the Organizing Committee.

(*The seven hosts from International Chinese Language Salon are: Ms. CHONG Lai-yu, Ms. CHAN Kit Ying, Mr. LAM Wai Man, Ms. WONG See Mei, Ms. WONG See Wah, Mr. Kevin LEE, and Mr. HA Sheung Po)

在2017年 11月25日舉行的香港城市大學口譯選拔賽中,三位同學脫穎而出獲得一等獎,他們將代表香港城市大學參加2018年3月10日的第七屆海峽兩岸口譯大賽第三屆香港地區大賽。

香港城市大學口譯選拔賽頒獎典禮於2018年2月9日在楊建文學術樓Y5-203室舉行。 頒獎活動由與國際漢語沙龍(International Chinese Language Salon)項目協辦。來自國際漢語沙龍的7名學員擔任主持人*,宣讀獲獎名單。香港城市大學翻譯及語言學系系主任劉美君教授到場為獲獎同學頒獎。出席該項活動的負責人員包括第七屆海峽兩岸口譯大賽籌備委員會主席鄢秀博士,籌委會成員商承禹博士及籌委會主任秘書吳惠博士和胡質楠女士。


7th Cross-strait Interpreting Contest (2018) - CityU Interpreting Contest: award presentation ceremony (9th February 2018)
7th Cross-strait Interpreting Contest (2018) - CityU Interpreting Contest: award presentation ceremony (9th February 2018)
7th Cross-strait Interpreting Contest (2018) - CityU Interpreting Contest: award presentation ceremony (9th February 2018)
7th Cross-strait Interpreting Contest (2018) - CityU Interpreting Contest: award presentation ceremony (9th February 2018)
7th Cross-strait Interpreting Contest (2018) - CityU Interpreting Contest: award presentation ceremony (9th February 2018)
7th Cross-strait Interpreting Contest (2018) - CityU Interpreting Contest: award presentation ceremony (9th February 2018)
7th Cross-strait Interpreting Contest (2018) - CityU Interpreting Contest: award presentation ceremony (9th February 2018)
7th Cross-strait Interpreting Contest (2018) - CityU Interpreting Contest: award presentation ceremony (9th February 2018)
7th Cross-strait Interpreting Contest (2018) - CityU Interpreting Contest: award presentation ceremony (9th February 2018)
7th Cross-strait Interpreting Contest (2018) - CityU Interpreting Contest: award presentation ceremony (9th February 2018)
7th Cross-strait Interpreting Contest (2018) - CityU Interpreting Contest: award presentation ceremony (9th February 2018)
7th Cross-strait Interpreting Contest (2018) - CityU Interpreting Contest: award presentation ceremony (9th February 2018)
7th Cross-strait Interpreting Contest (2018) - CityU Interpreting Contest: award presentation ceremony (9th February 2018)
7th Cross-strait Interpreting Contest (2018) - CityU Interpreting Contest: award presentation ceremony (9th February 2018)
7th Cross-strait Interpreting Contest (2018) - CityU Interpreting Contest: award presentation ceremony (9th February 2018)
7th Cross-strait Interpreting Contest (2018) - CityU Interpreting Contest: award presentation ceremony (9th February 2018)


First prize 一等獎
Zhao Xinran(趙昕冉), Ma Jinchen(馬瑾辰), Li Ruoxi(李若曦)

Second prize 二等獎
Chan Tsz Ching Rachel(陳芷晴), Jin Jun(金君), Zheng Yuqiong(鄭玉瓊)

Third prize 三等獎
Wong Ting Yan(黃莛茵), Yan Shuangchan(嚴雙嬋), Hu Jingyue(胡靜悅), Cai Yan(蔡焱),
Leung Yat Ming(梁一鳴), Chow Hiu Tong Amanda(周曉彤)

Merit award 優異獎
Zhang Tongtong(張彤彤), Wang Xuan(王炫), Man Yuanyuan(滿園園)


Enquiry: LTenquiry@cityu.edu.hk

Page last updated: 27 February 2018