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JC Poetic Heritage Translation Awards

Award Title

JC Poetic Heritage Translation Awards 2023 (齊思古詩新解新譯獎)

Click here for the list of award recipients, photos and press release from Awards Ceremony 2023.




  1. An English translation competition for the awards is open to all undergraduate and postgraduate students of CityU and senior secondary (F.4-6) students in Hong Kong. Interested translators are welcome to submit their entries according to the category in which they belong:
    • CityU Students of Department of Linguistics and Translation
    • CityU Students of other Departments
    • Senior Secondary (F.4-6) Students of local schools

  2. For CityU participants:

    Amount for each award for each CityU category (LT Students and non-LT Students):
    HK$5,000 x 2 (1st prize)
    HK$3,000 x 2 (2nd prize)
    HK$1,000 x 4 (3rd prize)
    Total: $20,000 (8 awards)

  3. For Senior Secondary Students:

    Amount for each award:
    HK$5,000 x 1 (1st prize)
    HK$3,000 x 1 (2nd prize)
    HK$1,000 x 2 (3rd prize)
    Total: $10,000 (4 awards)


  4. The poem, 《兗州留獻李員外》 (To Honorable Li at the time I leave Yanzhou), for translation is a Chinese poem by the Korean Chóe Chíwon (崔致遠;857–?) and it goes:

    《兗州留獻李員外》 崔致遠

  5. Followings are some background information of the poem and its author:
    • 崔致遠(최치원, 韓文音譯Chóe Chíwon),字孤雲或云海雲,出生於唐宣宗大中十一年(新羅憲安王元年;公元857)。在唐懿宗咸通年間,崔致遠虛齡十二歲,就負笈長安。在《桂苑筆耕集》自序回憶道:「自年十二離家西泛,當乘桴之際,亡父誡之曰:『十年不第進士,則勿謂吾兒,吾亦不謂有兒。往矣勤哉,無隳乃力。』。」在唐懿宗咸通十五年(874年)即十八歲那年,考中進士。
    • 《兗州留獻李員外》 (To Honorable Li at the time I leave Yanzhou) 在五代中期已傳入日本。大江維時(888-963)是日本平安時期漢學家,編撰唐詩名句選《千載佳句》,該書編撰的時間約在中國的唐末至五代中期。因此,這意味著此首詩歌是在西元十世紀傳入到中國。
    • 兖州,中國古代的州,今山東省濟寧市一帶。
    • 參考文獻及延伸閱讀.
  6. Your translation, once submitted, shall not be altered. You may submit only once.

  7. (For CityU students only) Please click here to fill in and submit the form for the competition with your translation.

  8. (For senior secondary students [F.4-6] only) Guidelines for submission

    • Obtain an endorsement from your School Head or delegate (class teacher /form teacher) to verify your student status. For your convenience, an endorsement form template is available here.
    • Take a smartphone photo of the completed endorsement form and prepare for its upload (5M size max.) during online submission (link: here).
    • Your translation, once submitted, shall not be altered. You may submit only once.


  9. Translators in all categories are expected to recite their winning pieces at the awards ceremony and the best performers will receive recognition awards additionally.

  10. Deadline of submission of entries (extended): 15 April 2023
  11. For enquiries, please write to LTenquiry@cityu.edu.hk.


General Enquiry: LTenquiry@cityu.edu.hk

Page last updated: 27 June 2023