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About this Website

This website was redesigned and officially released in 1 July 2014.

What's New

A Student Awards page is now available! [3.January.2013]

List of CTL Scholarships page updated! [19.July.2012]

We now have our own QR code [8.June.2012].

We now have detailed information about majors of studies under the new 4-year curriculum. Start your exploration here. [25.May.2012]

Cannot find what you want?

If you do not know where to look for something, or some content you previously found is not here anymore, please try the followings.

  • Make use of the search box on top.
  • (Shortcut) There are various address shortforms for our pages. They all begin with http://lt.cityu.edu.hk/. Append to it a person's CityU email address minus the "@cityu.edu.hk" part and you can directly jump to that person's page.
  • (Shortcut) Some other shortcuts include: /B7603 (for room calendar); /events (for CTL events); and /news (for news).
  • (Shortcut) These are all shortcuts to Programmes: /BATI, /MALS, etc.

If everything fails please contact us.

CTL QR code
LT website's matrix barcode (QR code)


Some of the material on our website is protected by copyright and you may infringe it if you reproduce, publish, distribute or exploit such information in whole or in part in any form without the prior written permission of the Department.


All information provided by our website is subject to revision and periodic review. If you find any problem with our information (e.g., if you believe your copyright has been infringed or if you would like a hyperlink to your site removed or altered,) please contact us at LTenquiry@cityu.edu.hk.


Enquiry: LTenquiry@cityu.edu.hk

Page last updated: 1 July 2014