

The First International Conference on Law, Language and Discourse invites theoretical studies, applicational cases, and relevant work-in-progress papers on the key issues in Law, Language and Discourse. The theme of the conference "Multiculturalism, Diversity and Dynamicity" promotes research of, and welcomes participation from, researchers of different cultural and language backgrounds from different disciplines and across jurisdictions.


The LLD Conference invites papers on all aspects of law, language and discourse, including, but not limited to:

  1. 1. Legislative language
  2. 2. Courtroom language
  3. 3. Language in the proceeding of investigation (including police interrogation, cover investigation, conversation in prison, etc.)
  4. 4. Legal translation & court interpretation
  5. 5. Education and training on LLP (Language for Legal Purposes)
  6. 6. Language evidence as a system
  7. 7. Discourse analysis of legal texts
  8. 8. Legal terminology
  9. 9. Legal discourse and information retrieval
  10. 10. Language planning and Language rights



LT-16 (Presentation), Purple Zone (Registration),
Level 4 (Podium), Academic 1 (formerly known as Academic Building),
City University of Hong Kong [Download the campus map]