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Research Seminar "《左傳》中有沒有口語?"
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Topic:  Research Seminar "《左傳》中有沒有口語?"
posted itemPosted - 29/10/2009 :  14:38:12
City University of Hong Kong Dep



講 者

Professor Göran Malmqvist

Emeritus Professor, Stockholm University

Member, Swedish Academy


日期: 二零零九年十一月二日 (星期一) 時間: 下午 4:30 - 6:00 地點: 香港城市大學 教學樓藍區七樓B7603室 語言: 普通話

摘 要

在這個演講裏我要討論一下的題目: 中外學者對《左傳》的性質和它的真偽考; 高本漢教授對『也』字在直接語裏所起的作用的學說; 以上古漢語的同音詞素的基礎上討論先秦著作能不能作為口語溝通的工具。


Professor Göran Malmqvist,,born in 1924; BA degree in Chinese, Latin and Anthropology, Stockholm University 1948. Fieldwork in Chinese dialectology under a Rockefeller Fellowship 1948-50; Ph.D. in Chinese at Stockholm University 1951; Lecturer at Uppsala University 1952; Lecturer at SOAS, London University 1953-56; Cultural Attaché at the Swedish Embassy in Peking 1956-58; Senior Lecturer at Canberra University College 1959-61; Professor and Head of the Department of Chinese at the Australian National University 1961-65; Professor and Head of the Department of Chinese at Stockholm University 1965-1991; publications in the fields of Chinese dialectology, historical linguistics, the grammar of Classical and Modern Chinese, semantics and metrics. Professor Malmqvist has translated more than 40 volumes of Chinese literature (Classical, Medieval, Modern and Contemporary) into Swedish. He is member of the Swedish Academy, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, the Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities, and the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences.

~ 歡迎各界人士參加 ~



Enquiry: LTenquiry@cityu.edu.hk