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Linguistics Fun Days 2008 (29/07/2008 - 31/07/2008)
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Topic:  Linguistics Fun Days 2008 (29/07/2008 - 31/07/2008)
posted itemPosted - 25/07/2008 :  15:01:45
Linguistics Fun Days 2008

Commissioned by the Support Measures for the Exceptionally Gifted Students Scheme of the Education Bureau, the Department of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics ran the Linguistics Fun Days program for the second time. This annual event aims to develop analytical skills with special reference to language through a series of activities appropriate to the needs and attributes of gifted students, to arouse their interest in the academic/systemic study of language, and to enhance their awareness of the importance of language and its role in the contemporary world. The 3-day program this year was opened by the Department Head Professor Jonathan Webster’s welcoming speech on July 29. 30 secondary students were introduced to various aspect of linguistics and university life through lectures, problem-solving tasks, group activities and a sharing session with CTL’s graduate students. Professor Pan Haihua, Associate Dean of FHS, and Ms Mandy Tsang, Curriculum Development Officer of Education Bureau, presented certificates to the participating students upon the program’s completion on July 31.

語言趣味工作坊2008 中文、翻譯及語言學系於7月29-31日為教育局“特別資優學生培育支援計畫”舉辦了“語言趣味工作坊2008”。此工作坊旨在通過一系列為資優學生設計的講座及活動,培養學員對語言學的興趣,提高語言分析能力以及認識語言在現代生活中的重要性。今年的工作坊是中文、翻譯及語言學系連續第二年與教育局“特別資優學生育支援計畫”合作。系主任衛真道教授于29日出席了開幕儀式並發表歡迎詞。30名來自各校的中學生通過三天的工作坊以及與本系研究生的分享會瞭解語言學的各個領域和大學生活的種種趣事。人文及社會科學學院副院長潘海華教授與教育局資優教育組課程發展主任曾有娣女士在31日的閉幕儀式上向各位中學生頒發了參加此次工作坊的證書。



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