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2. 詞彙與義面:中文詞彙意義的區辨與操作原則 by Prof. Huang Chu-Ren 黃居仁教授
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Topic:  2. 詞彙與義面:中文詞彙意義的區辨與操作原則 by Prof. Huang Chu-Ren 黃居仁教授
posted itemPosted - 26/06/2003 :  16:28:23
Huang Chu-Ren

Department of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics 中文、翻譯及語言學系

Institute of Chinese Linguistics 中國語言學研究所

Language Information Sciences Research Centre 語言資訊科技研究中心

From Sense to Ontology: Lexical Structure of Knowledge


Professor Huang Chu-Ren 黃居仁教授

Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica, Taipei


Time: 4:30 - 6:00 pm

Date: 30th June 2003 (Monday)

Venue: B7603 (CTL Multi-purpose Room), City University of Hong Kong

Abstract 摘要

以語意關係資料庫做為語言工程的核心基礎是近來的一個趨勢:由兩個開發完成並持續更新的資料庫-英語詞網(WordNet)與歐語詞網(EuroWordNet)-受到普遍重視的程度就可以略見端倪。建構完成的詞彙語意網,一方面可以作為語言學研究的素材,另一方面在資訊處理上又可以作為自然語言處理以及諸多實際應用的基石。詞網裡有兩項重要的元素,一是以詞義為據的詞彙分組(即所謂的同義詞集(synset)),另一個就是連繫詞集的語意關係。以同義詞集為節點,透過語意關係相互連繫,就形成了表徵詞彙意義及其關係的語意網絡。其中,同義詞集的建立可說是最基礎的工作。建立同義詞義,便是找出在語境中能表達相同詞義的詞彙歸為一組詞集,而多義詞則分處多組詞集,表示其不同的詞義。據此可知,詞彙的詞義區辨及其同義詞的判斷與匯集,便成了最根本的工作。雖有實際的需求,但詞義區辨的原則在學術上卻是尚無定論的議題。為了相關工作的進行,本文希望能討論並建立一組詞義區辨的操作原則,一方面能滿足一致性與合理性的要求,另一方面又能作為大量中文詞彙詞義區辨工作上有用的準則。有了一致性的詞義判準,語言知識才能有效處理,也才能把語言知識連結到知識本體(ontology),或轉換成概念表達。我們的詞義判準建立在五個基礎原則上:1. 一義一目, 2. 一物一義,3. 一事一義,4. 義不隨境遷,5. 義面由觀點與語境定義。本文中除了建立理論完整的詞義區辨原則外,並同時提供了可以實證的詞義區辨操作原則;並對每個原則提供取自語料庫的實例。

About the Speaker 講者簡介

Chu-Ren Huang is a research fellow at the Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica. He is the vice president of the Linguistic Society of Taiwan. His current roles in international research community include: advisory board member of the Open Language Archives Community (OLAC), and co-chair of the Asian Language Resource Committee. Huang received his Ph.D. in linguistics from Cornell University in January 1987. Since then, he has played an active role to promote research on Chinese computational and corpus linguistics. He is one of the founding members of ROCLING and served both as its president and executive secretary. He has directed or co-directed the successful construction of the following Chinese language resources: CKIP lexicon, Sinica Corpus, Classical Chinese Corpora, and Sinica Treebank. The focus of his linguistic research has shifted from earlier work on GPSG and LFG to recent emphasis on lexical semantics, which led to the development of the MARVS theory. Both lines of research converge on his current work on developing an integrated Chinese WordNet and ontology. This will be an essential component of the linguistic anchor project under Taiwan's NDAP, as well as an important link in the global LanguageWeb in anticipation of the future Semantic Web.
Language of presentation: English/Mandarin 演講語言: 英語/普通話
Enquiries 詢問電話: 2788-8705

All Are Welcome 歡迎參加



Enquiry: LTenquiry@cityu.edu.hk